The Power of Belief

“You’re no father of mine!” The armor clad boy stood up, only his face was visible. “And you can talk as big as you want I know you can’t beat me, that’s why you banished me last time. Even if you spent all that time getting strong, this armor I found grows stronger with time. You were better off trying back then!” At the end of his sentence he picked up his sword and swung it releasing a sonic boom of yellow light at his father.

In return the reaper took his spinning scythe and spun it in front of him blocking all of the wave that it touched but allowing the remainder of it to pass by him. When he moved his scythe from in front of him he saw His son springing forward at him again this time with his sword held over his head ready to cleave the reaper down the middle. He spun with the momentum of his rapidly spinning scythe moving to his right to pull him into a spin using the scythe as an anchor. When he’d spun 180 degrees he and his scythe stopped. He was crouched down and his scythe was standing straight up. It’s blade caught the blow and sank into the ground about halfway the length of the shaft.

This time the boy stood with his sword rested on the scythe. “Looks like your precious scythe isn’t as durable as you thought.”

“You really need to… chill out Ace.”

As the reaper spoke Ace instantly felt extremely could inside his body. He tried to jump back but his body didn’t respond. He looked down at his body looking for some type of trap.

“It’s a little something special I came up with. It is the feeling a mortal would get if he ever entered mayslheim. A cold you feel in your bones so strong that you can’t move.” The reaper stood up. “I could kill you right now If I wanted but I’d rather talk instead. You’re not a mortal so you should at least be able to move your lips. Or are you not strong enough?”He smiled knowing he pushed Aces buttons. He watched his son’s calm and powerful look change into a menacing glare again.

“You need cheap tricks to beat me?” he was struggling slightly to speak but he was moving his mouth well enough.

“Oh wizards have no place in battle. Besides if you can’t foresee something or adapt to it then you’re not much of a warrior.” The reaper watched Ace grit his teeth. “That’s not what I want to discuss. I want you to know that your quest is pointless. It’s over, your mother is gone and she has abandoned her quest.”

“You expect me to believe that? From you? All of your credibility walked out eh door with you.”

“Your mother lied to you. She kept you from me, and I from you. She gave you no power because she wanted you to inherit all of mine. I knew and that’s why I gave you none.”

“Nice try. She already told me it was the other way around.”

“I have her soul right here. Take a look at it and see for yourself what she really wants.”

“What did you do to her!? I’ll kill you!” Ace fought to move his body but only his head responded. It turned to face the reaper more accurately.

The reaper was getting frustrated. He stepped forward and put his forehead up against the spike on the font of Ace’s helmet. He slowly bared down on it sliding the horn through his head. “You may not have any power as a reaper but I know you can see her soul and I know you know it’s untouched. Look at her! She is finally at peace. Let this foolish crusade die as she has!”

Ace was speechless and calmed, he didn’t know what to think. He saw his mother’s soul in his father’s eye, it was peaceful just as he said and he knew that it wasn’t tampered with.

“Now look into my eyes, at my soul, and tell me if I’m lying to you. I loved you, I wanted so bad to be there for you. Your mother threw you away when you couldn’t accomplish her goal, and by the time I found you it was too late. I could have killed you back then but none of it was your fault so I couldn’t kill you, my own son. Even now I try to reason with you so that I don’t have to kill you because I could have all throughout this fight. Now that you know the truth will you cease, I’ve done all I can for you short of killing you if you are determined to continue.”

Ace’s eyes were looking at the ground and the reaper couldn’t see them. When they looked up they were no longer Ace’s eyes When the being in front of him spoke, he could hear Ace’s voice being drowned out until by the end of its sentence Ace was no longer speaking. “You’re too late. The boy is dead, and the world and you, are mine.” It slowly and stiffly started to move it’s body parts.

“I guess that’s it then, get ready for a real fight because the warm up ended before the chat.” As the reaper said warm up the armor’s body was fully functional again and it wasted no time to attack the reaper.

Jack looked on from his cage cloaked in his father’s energy. He was astonished; he’d never seen battle on this scale before. He always challenged his father but he could now clearly see his father fighting with a lot more of his power. With every blow he saw he could feel his father’s punches like he had before, a punch to the ribs, an elbow to the head, to the sternum. He heard his father’s scythe scrape up against his brother’s swords and recalled it clashing with his own weapon. After hearing the truth about his brother Jack could tell that the reaper was treating Ace like he treated himself. He started to wonder if there was truth to his father’s tale.


And the moral of the story is…

This excerpt from a story I’m developing is in my portfolio because it presents an issue that’s very important to handle. This issue can ruin relationships, and lives, and it is misunderstanding. It can stem from a lot of things whether you were lied to or if you just thought wrong about something. It’s important as people who are inhabiting the same planet to get along, one problem is misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

The reaper from my story is misunderstood by both his sons because their mother kept him from them and lied to the about him. All the reaper ever wanted was for his sons to live on and be successful and strong but instead he’s stuck doing parenting from afar, and protecting them in the background and in unconventional ways. Though time ran out on his first son the Reaper was smart enough to know that would have probably happened anyway. The reason he decided to tell him the real story was because his second son was watching and listening. He knew that if he heard the story of what happened with his first son and saw that it was true by his brother’s actions that jack would start to rethink his father’s credibility and love.

Misunderstandings when it comes to relationships can be devastating. Have you ever been kissed by someone that you didn’t kiss back and your mate saw and assumed the worst. In some instances they don’t even allow an explanation. It’s brutal because the two of you could have been the perfect couple. The false information Ace was raised with killed his relationship with his only true loving parent, and when that parent may have made a breakthrough with him it was too late. Sore the person could be lying to you but it’s worth giving a chance to respect  a situation; to look at it again. So that details aren’t missed and misconstrued to a point that can end a relationship because it’s not worth the losing a friend or lover over. Time for people is finite and the best way to spend it is with people who’s company you enjoy so it’s important to try and understand each other so as to better coexist.


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